It is possible that Souji died in the womb before Souichi was born. Souichi's grandmother claims that he had a twin named Souji Souichi's parents say this isn't true, but Souji's ghost appeared along with his grandmother's in order to menace Michina.Souichi took home a toad as a pet and to scare his sister with, but when he put it into a box with a lid as a makeshift habitat, he accidentally killed it.Souichi only resembles one family member in the Tsujii family: His grandmother, who is dead now.Souichi hates his cousin, Michina, who happens to share a birthday with him.Souichi often talks and laughs to himself in school, making his classmates think he's super creepy.However, he seems to think he is popular, as shown when he mistakes girls glancing at him and whispering about how creepy he is as them admiring him. Souichi is shown to be rather unpopular and to be a loner in school.His black magic is actually legitimate and works on a few occasions one example is when he causes a student to hallucinate and see a giant spider using a voodoo doll and toy spider.As for the more mundane methods of scaring people, he tries to scare his sister with a spider only for his older brother to throw it back at him, causing Souichi to realize that he is also afraid of spiders. For example, he hammers nails into dolls on trees, but the owner of the land gets angry and tries to kill him. Souichi tries to scare people often, sometimes using black magic, but his attempts almost always backfire on him in some way.He otherwise can generate and shoot nails out of his mouth. This is shown when he creates a four-layered room for his brother to study in, only to crawl into the walls and annoy his brother with insect noises. One of his oddest abilities may be that he can not only build a soundproof room with the help of his black magic, but he can imitate cicada sounds. The amount of curses that Souichi possesses is unknown, though it seems to be large. His curses seem to have no range limit as, Souichi's curse on his cousin Yuusuke who is in Tokyo, affected him. He has also stated that he can talk to any doll. He can bring back the dead to life and change the weather by simply using a curse. He can cause mischief to others simply by cursing them repeatedly. He also can create human sized dolls who are able to talk and move. He can cause others to hallucinate by dropping something on their doll For example, causing someone to hallucinate a giant spider, due to Souichi dropping a spider toy on their doll. He can use the Voodoo Dolls in other ways as well, like burying or drowning a person. He uses Voodoo Dolls and can harm others by hammering nails into the dolls, which he used once to send someone to the hospital. Souichi is cunning and specializes in Black Magic. Eventually, his wife tracks him down and drags him away with her whilst threatening to kill him if he leaves her and their son again. Due to his wife's terrifying personality, he has to live a nomadic life to get away from her as he goes from town to town opening haunted houses to get away from her. At the same time, he marries Miss Fuchi and fathers a son who is a cannibalistic monster just like his mother. He dislikes his older brother Koichi and cousin Michina, and often tries to scare them and his sister Sayuri.Īs an adult, he somehow masters high level of dark magic as he now can generate nails from his mouths and put a binding spell to turn his family into hideous figures to do his bidding in his haunted house business. Souichi apparently suffers from anemia-as a result, he is almost always seen chewing iron nails in his mouth and sometimes makes them look like teeth. Despite the dark nature of his actions, Souichi is shown to be childish, spelling things wrong or mistaking words, reminding us that he's still only 11. An eccentric oddball of an 11 year old, Souichi specializes in voodoo and enjoys causing havoc against people he doesn't like. He insists that he was born on June 6, at precisely 6:06 and 6 seconds, though his actual birthday is May 3.